My Silicone Love is a short documentary made by Sophie Dros, produced as part of the Netherlands Film Academy collaborating with Dutch public broadcaster BNN. We received an Oscar nomination for best short documentary in the 2016 student category.&nā€¦

My Silicone Love is a short documentary made by Sophie Dros, produced as part of the Netherlands Film Academy collaborating with Dutch public broadcaster BNN. We received an Oscar nomination for best short documentary in the 2016 student category. 

My Silicone Love

Creative Producing
Imagine being in love with a doll. Perfect subject for a documentary, right? Without it being a total freakshow, we wanted to make a sincere portrait of a guy who's afraid of change. Which is why his life exists of motionless women. 

As a creative producer I was involved in the development of the idea, coming up with possible scenes and situations. Helping out with getting the budget in place, delivering marketing content, building an audience by crowdfunding and getting the right talent (like coach Michiel van Erp, one of the Netherland's biggest documentary directors) on board. 

In 2016 My Silicone Love was nominated for an Oscar in the short documentary student category.